This article recounts an example of authentic communication between mediums and recently deceased people, in the particular context of war.
The Battle of Britain was a crucial episode in World War 2, during which the British air defense, lead by Lord Dowding, successfully repelled the assaults of the Nazi air armadas launched in an attempted invasion of England in the summer of 1940.
It was not long after this battle and after leaving office at the head of the British Air Force Command that Hugh Dowding began to speak of his particular “contacts”. In fact, it was his faithful collaborator, who happened to be a medium, who “intercepted” the first messages from young airmen killed in air combat. She shared the messages with her chief Dowding, who first examined them with caution, then with growing fervor because some of them contained confidential information that no one else could possibly know.
Lord Dowding did not hesitate to put his already illustrious reputation at stake when he revealed to those around him that aviators who had died during the Battle of Britain were sending him messages from beyond, most of the time to be forwarded to their families.
During the Battle of Britain, these dialogues with the beyond were of great help to Lord Dowding in establishing his defensive plans, as he later told his entourage, and in 1963 to the press.
Lord Dowding: “I had contact with pilots killed in the Battle of Britain more than twenty times. They told me how they got killed and I built upon their stories to advise my fighter pilots. I was thus able to save many of my men. This contributed to the final victory! “
“Thanks to my conversations with my invisible correspondents, I was able to get an idea of the life they lived in the beyond. Death came so suddenly that they did not know how it happened. Still in a state close to the earth, they did not realize that they were dead. For these poor guys, the situation was terrible. They saw people in the streets, tried to stop them, but passers-by continued to walk among them. Still trapped in the physical world, they tried to get help to free themselves from the earth. This is why they tried to communicate with all the means within their reach. “
In order to help his pilots, Dowding joined a spiritist circle headed by a medium who could “see” the deceased coming to them and who described them to him. “Our first task,” said Dowding, “was to speak to them as if they were alive. “He adds with humor:” How to say to a guy: “Old man, I’m sorry, but you’re dead!”?” Lord Dowding had to use subterfuge to make the pilots realize their new state: “I asked them to pat me on the back. Of course, their hand passed through me and they began to understand. “
The medium described uniforms and badges. badges that matched those worn by pilots of missing aircraft. He also gave details on their physique, mentioned a possible scar, the color of their hair, of their eyes, and he did not overlooked any particular signs. All these details were then checked and all of them were proven accurate.
The dead pilots sometimes gave their names, which Dowding wrote down carefully. This also enabled him to learn before everyone else that a bomber had just been shot down over Germany and that the seven crew members had died.
All these contacts were made on the initiative of the many airmen killed in air combat and were received by Lord Dowding, personally during his nights or thanks to the help of mediums. Their authenticity was repeatedly confirmed. Their characteristic is that they emanated from recently deceased people who, often, were not yet aware that they had died.
Spiritual science teaches that in the days following the death of the physical body, the spirits of the deceased dwell in the etheric plane which is perceptible to people with mediumistic capacities. This stay in the etheric plane lasts on average three to four days but can last much longer if the deceased remains attached to the physical world, for example in the place where he lived, without realizing that he no longer has a physical body and that he will carry on into the astral plane. These are all wandering souls that haunt certain homes, and cause the appearance of ghosts. This happens until their energy is used up, or until a “soul ferryman” helps them continue their course.
The cases reported above therefore constitute, in the literal sense, interdimensional manifestations, IDIM, between human souls present in the etheric plane, and living human beings in the material plane.