Spiritism is considered to be a method enabling “spirits” from beyond – believed to be related to deceased human souls – to communicate with living human beings. Spiritsm experienced a considerable development in the 19th century, thanks to the contribution of Allan Kardec.
There are two types of practice
The first one: by using the services of a medium (a person capable of perceiving suprasensitive energies) to receive messages. The spirit may express itself through the medium’s voice (the medium is then in a trance, he/she is momentarily “possessed” by the spirit), or the spirit penetrates the medium”s hand to express itself by “automatic writing”.
The second one: the spirit may manifest itself through the use of a table (the famous “turntable practice”). The participants, seated around the table, place their hands above it. In reality, the tables do not really rotate, but move more or less and bang the floor (exceptionally they can move). It is possible to communicate with spirits by asking them questions. they answer with one tap for “yes”, two taps for “no”. They can also respond with words using the same process: one tap for the letter A, two taps for B, three for C etc.
Another method is to place a glass on a table, the people present put a finger on the glass – without intervening – and the glass is supposed to eventually move by itself with the force of the spirit. On the table, are all the letters of the alphabet, and the glass goes from one letter to another, forming words which are supposed to be the answers by the spirit to the questions asked, without any conscious action by the participants.

Fundamentals of spiritism
Spiritism is based on the idea that man is made up of three parts: the body, the mind, and the “perispirit.” This word, coined by Allan Kardec, means the energetic fluid that allows the spirit of a deceased to manifest. Spiritism is also based on the idea of reincarnation and therefore of survival of the soul beyond the death of the physical body, so that the spirit of a deceased person can communicate with living people.
After a flourishing period in the 19th century in the United States and then in Europe, spiritism significantly declined in these countries. Although invisible and intelligent entities can indeed manifest themselves through a medium or using “turntables” by answering questions, it is often observed that after a while, the answers are somewhat eccentric, as if the spirits invoked mocked those who asked them questions. Sometimes participants are in contact with malicious spirits they have a hard time moving away from. So be careful with this practice.
So much so that in reality, if spiritism makes it possible to observe that intelligent beings do exist in the invisible world, with whom a form of communication exists, practicing spiritism is not up to what is expected of it. The answers we get are most of the time disappointing and do not constitute a tool for spiritual development.
The vision of spiritual science:
Spiritual science is a teaching passed down by remarkable men who have marked out the history of humanity, clear-sighted men who have the capacity to perceive the spiritual world directly (or to read in the Akashic memories ) keeping a constant neutral approach. Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, is one of the best known in modern times.
Reverting to spiritism, spiritual science explains that it is practically always elementary beings that manifest themselves and not human souls. These elementary beings have the ability to move matter for example with plants, to help them grow, or with the clouds. Being connected to the elements that make up matter, they also have the ability to act on matter, for example by “making tables speak”, by moving glasses on a table or via automatic writing.
One of the characteristics of the elementals is to make fun of man and play all kinds of tricks on us, without being aware of the confusion and the illusions they create . (https://ecoutelaterre.fr/public/ovnis/description-etres-elementaux). Understanding this should help to apprehend all the disappointments sustained during spitism sessions.
Spiritism is therefore a form of interdimensional manifestation (IDIM) generated (practically always) by elementals. Ref. the article (in this Blog) entitled “An essential spiritual knowledge: the two kinds of physically perceptible entities”. This article was based on Rudolf Steiner’s phrase: “All mysterious phenomena make sense when you take into account the reality of human souls and elementary beings in the elementary etheric plane. In the next article we have an example where it is indeed the human souls of deceased people that manifested themselves to a medium, but these cases are rare. We then realize that, when it comes to spiritism as for most mysterious phenomena, the so-called “paranormal” nature of these phenomena rests on ignorance of the existence of the elementals ( nature beings) and their capacity to act on matter.
Remark : In the case of spiritism, the prevailing belief is that the questions are answered by the human souls of deceased people and the possibility of extraterrestrials being involved would not even come to mind. However, in the case of crop circles, the dominant belief is that it is extraterrestrials that manifest themselves, but some people suggest that it is human souls. In both cases, these interpretations are based on ignorance of the existence of nature beings. It is these elemental beings that are, almost always, at the origin of IDIM.