The mystery of the “Bermuda Triangle” has to do with the fact that there are only few testimonies from people who experienced the tragedies associated with this area and did not disappear. These testimonies are of course very precious. This is the case of the event reported below.
An air flight that came close to turning tragic:
On December 29, 1977, one hundred and fifty three passengers traveled aboard a DC-8 of the American company Braniff (1). On a regular route from New York to Panama, the four-engine aircraft flies over the Bimini Islands off the coast of Florida and as the plane was approaching the Bahamas, it was brutally subjected to tremendous turbulence. A long vibration runs through the cabin, which intensifies quickly in a very unpleasant way. The plane shakes and sways. In the grip of growing terror, passengers cling to whatever comes to hand. In fact, the plane has just entered a very disturbed area, impossible to detect. In the cockpit, the pilotes are utterly nonplussed because the instruments show nothing abnormal. But the plane soon stops responding, its controls are blocked. This results in a sudden loss of lift and an immediate stall, which causes the aircraft to nose-dive nearly 2,000 meters. The sea is getting closer and the plane will inevitably crash into it.
Apparently nothing can save the aircraft and its petrified passengers, glued to their seats … when the fall suddenly stops. The plane straightens less than 200 meters from the ocean. The crew finally manage to regain control of the plane and the DC-8 quickly gains altitude but, at the end of this terrifying episode, twenty-one passengers are more or less seriously injured, especially those who had not fastened their seat belts. For this reason, the captain decides to land in Miami, where an in-depth technical examination of the four-jet engine will be carried out. The engineers and mechanics mobilized for the circumstance detect absolutely nothing, no technical anomaly which could explain that the controls of the plane got inactive for several minutes. The only thing we know is that at the time of the incident, the plane was under the influence of the Bermuda Triangle.
Analysis of the event: three elements characterize it.
- 1st stage: the plane was suddenly the object of tremendous turbulence which had not been detected, and which was supposedly impossible to detect, while the on-board instruments indicated nothing abnormal.
- 2nd step: The controls were functioning normally before the incident, and suddenly they stopped responding when the aircraft entered turbulence. The pilots were unable to control the aircraft which started a spectacular fall.
- 3rd step: then the controls became active again at the last minute thus saving the plane from crashing into the sea. The pilots were finally able to straighten the plane, stop its fall and regain altitude. And everything went back to normal.
Such electrical anomalies, beyond control, necessarily evoke what happens during UFO manifestations, or in the vicinity of crop circles. It is indeed a very common observation that all electrical devices break down under these conditions, in crop circles and near UFOs. These phenomena being manifestations of elemental beings according to the results of our study, this suggests that the plane was then in the grip of elemental beings when the event occurred.
The turbulence that was reported at the start of the incident supports this interpretation. These turbulences which were not announced, and which were not detectable either according to what was reported, can logically be attributed only to elementals, more precisely elementals connected to the air element, those that are present in storms and hurricanes.
As it has been reported, We have two clues in this event – which are in fact two “signatures” – which lead us to think that elementals were present in the environment of the aircraft during the event, and caused it.
We can observe that, in this example, the elemental beings did not seek to dematerialize the plane, – which is fortunate for all the passengers who thus did not disappear! They manifested themselves via the turbulence imposed on the aircraft, and through the effect of their presence on the electrical controls. This testimony teaches us that elementals can be present even at high altitudes in the atmosphere.
Another representative example among a great number of other aircraft disappearances (1):
On October 14, 1961, one of the largest planes of the US Air Force, a strategic bomber B-52, was also a victim of the Bermuda Triangle . This giant aircraft, powered by eight reactors, had just taken part in a military operation with five other identical aircraft. The formation had taken off from a base in North Carolina. About 280 miles north of Bermuda, the squadron went online with a 9 mile gap between planes, before heading for North Carolina. The visibility was perfect, so each of the airmen could watch the other planes. However, one of the planes suddenly disappeared from view and was missing at landing, although nothing whatsoever could suggest that something like this might happen.
It is all the more astonishing and incomprehensible because we know that the huge aircraft was equipped with the most modern means of communication, and did not emit any distress signal. It showed no signs of technical damage, it “simply” disappeared from view and disappeared from this world. Considerable research resources were deployed. In vain ! No debris/jetsam were ever found. This also remains incomprehensible, given the enormous size of the aircraft.
n this case again, no official interpretation could be put forth. The hypothesis that it was caught in sudden turbulence and was damaged at sea, is not possible since any of the other aircraft noticed anything and that no debris were found. The only rational hypothesis, based on the knowledge recalled above, is the hypothesis that calls for the intervention of elemental beings who seem to have dematerialized the bomber by taking it into another dimension. We know that this ability is implemented every time a UFO appears or disappears from witnesses’sight. It is also put into practice whenever any object in our environment is no longer seen in its place when we know full well that it was there a moment before and … we find it a little later either at the same place or in another place. The ability to modify the density level of any object, or its degree of materiality, is indeed a characteristic of the elementals, as shown in Daniel Harran’s analysis (2). This plane disappearance, like probably most of the other mysterious disappearances which took place in the Bermuda Triangle and like a large number of disappearances of common objects from our environment, can thus be called interdimensional manifestations (IDIM).
(1): Le triangle des Bermudes. Bernard Marck et Jean-Claude Bourret. (Ed. L’Archipel)
(2): « OVNIs, crop circles & MIDIM »: Daniel Harran (Ed. EccE)