A great number of observations by witnesses on the ground as well as pilots in flight report that certain UFOs hover in a stationary position for a while and all of a sudden perform stunning accelerations exceeding the speed of sound in the air without any sonic boom being heard. This observation is one among others that support the idea that UFOs defy the laws of physics.

When a fighter aircraft goes from a subsonic to a supersonic speed, a characteristic “boom” can be heard. It is said to have “broken the sound barrier”. In aerodynamics, the explanation of this is that when an object exceeds the speed of sound, it creates a shock wave sounding similar to an explosion that can be heard far away by people on the ground.

Observations of UFOs generating no sonic booms leave scientists perplexed. What do these observations tell us?

The reality is that these “unidentified flying objects” do not behave like regular material objects, objects that make up the environment in which we live. It therefore appears logical to consider that they are not objects in the proper sense of the term;that they do not belong in our world although they look like they could be objects of our world.

Parallel worlds have been considered possible for a long time by physicists. In these worlds, the laws that govern our material world would be different. But this idea is still an abstract concept with no concrete applications.

This straightforward hypothesis suggests that UFOs are capable of performing this way – even though they look like material objects of our world – and they belong in a parallel plane, in another dimension where the laws of physics are different. These UFO manifestations are actually interdimensional.