For the last few years, perfectly circular ice discs have been observed on the surface of half frozen streams or rivers, in cold climates (such as Scandinavia, Canada, Russia). These discs can be as large as 65 feet in diameter.
They are stationary in relation to the banks and do not drift with the stream. This alone is intriguing. But what is really spectacular is that they rotate on their axes at a constant pace. Typically, their rotation period is approximately 3 to 4 minutes. It is slow but perfectly visible all the same. They can turn clockwise or counter-clockwise, apparently depending on the main current of the flowing water.
A couple of hypotheses have been proposed to concretely explain their existence : for example, by speculating that some underwater vortex was created by swirls. But these explanations are not satisfactory for a number of reasons:
- The phenomenon is not permanent (does not last?) over long periods of time and it remains exceptional;
- The streams where these circles were observed are not torrents and do not host apparent eddies or swirls or at least not in the vicinity of the circles.
- When the disc is around 60 feet in diameter and it is weighed down by a layer of snow (photo below), even though it is on water that is flowing gently and surrounded by ice tongues and static snow, it takes a significant force to make it rotate;
- The phenomenon may very well appear in a bend or in a straight section of the river.
- It may also appear in shallow waters or in deeper rivers;
- The measured rotation period is apparently always around 3 or 4 minutes regardless of the water flow or how deep the stream might be, or of the thickness of the ice etc. as if the rotation period were not subjected to the laws of fluid mechanics.

To our knowledge, no study on this phenomenon has ever been done. It would be interesting to know more about the length of the rotation movement, to know if the phenomenon occurs repeatedly at the same place during the winter, etc.
A possible logical and coherent interpretation:
This phenomenon has apparently never been reported in the past, hence it is virtually unknown;
Such an unusual phenomenon would have caught the attention of the inhabitants of the nearby villages;
It is worth noting that none of the witnesses who have reported this phenomenon has mentioned that they had observed it in the past and at the same place.
This suggests that:
- The phenomenon did not exist in the past;
- It does not always appear at the same location;
- It implies that it is not a “natural” phenomenon – in the proper sense of the term, which in turn implies that it is generated by a …supernatural …force that has sought to catch our attention in the last few years.
Their perfect circular form is indeed striking as it reminds us of crop circles. We remember that crop circles were always just circular until the late 80s which actually is still the case nowadays for some of them.
The ice circle enigma is similar to that of crop circles as to their origin. They seem to be formed by intelligent and invisible forces; they appear in the countryside, even if in the case of ice circles, they appear on water but ice is a solid element of earth. This is why the hypothesis of a similar origin by nature beings, naturally comes to mind. The increasing number of their manifestations through crop circles, UFOs and other IDIMs in the last decades, shows their intention to remind us of their existence, in this critical period humanity is going through.
Let us also remember that if the natural origin (in the ordinary sense of the term) should be ruled out, the interpretation that evokes nature beings, is logical and coherent. With this in mind, these ice circles are other forms of interdimensional manifestations (IDIM). But you can only subscribe to this interpretation if you have initially accepted the concept of the existence of nature beings and their capacity to materially manifest themselves.
The rotation of these discs at a constant speed, suggests – despite the inevitable effects of friction between the rotating ice and static ice and water – that a force comes into play to compensate for the friction. If we go by the above interpretation, the nature beings who are permanently busy keeping the movement going, are probably present on site when the phenomenon is active but they cannot be seen. Videos on this phenomenon can be viewed on the Internet by typing “ice circles” as key words in the search engine field.