The study that has been shared here on this website for several years and developed in several books puts emphasis on the multidimentional aspect of the UFO phenomenon and puts forth an interpretation based on the existence of elementals. Elementals are non-human intelligent beings who usually live in a parallel world (hence the fact they are invisible to us) but have the ability to manifest themselves in our material world. There is a great diversity of these elemental beings and this diversity accounts for the diferent ways they manifest themselves to us. There exist indeed a large variety of mysterious phenomena, unexplained by science, which can be attributed to them. The spirits of nature belong to them.

Yet, as this research progressed I became aware of …the existence of another category of elementals associated with the Moon and are present on the Moon in the material plane. Indeed numerous observations attest to the fact that the Moon is not an entirely dead celestial body unlike we all have been taught. There is ample evidence that the Moon is occupied by intelligent beings (non-human) but this reality is hidden from us. The next articles to be published on this blog will tackle the subject. This article focuses on light flashes observed from the Earth.

Astronomical observations

For centuries, many astronomers, amateur astronomers and professionals armed only with a telescope, have observed flashes of light on the Moon that cannot be accounted for by any natural phenomena.

Fred Lawrence Wipple (1906-2004), famous American astronomer wrote : Many observers have spotted reddish mist appearances and light intensification on the bottom of a number of craters and on the edges of certain lunar seas as early as the 18th century

Barbara M. Middlehurst and Patrick Moore, famous British astronomers best known as specialists in the Moon observation study, have collected over four hundred similar reports, a number of which go as far back as two hundred years ago, such as that of famous astronomer William Herschel who discovered planet Uranus. Back in 1797 he observed three glowing spots on the unlit part of the Moon.

These observations were carried out in numerous areas on the Moon e.g.

  1. In Aristarchus crater : Blinking lights, glowing flashes, glittering spots, shifts of light etc. have been observed on both the top of nearby peaks and the bottom of the crater ;
  2. In Plato crater : Blinking lights, luminous spots, moving lights and glowing flashes ;
  3. In Gassendi crater : Blinking lights, lightenings on the external and then the internal side of the crater, a pink glow on the bottom and moving shadows on the vertical sides of the crater.
  4. In Posidonius crater : ocher coloring on the Western crest by what seemed to be a cloud

On November 3rd, 1958, After bringing his spectrograph to bear on the central crest of Alphonsus crater, Russian astronomer/astrophysicist Nikolai A. Kozyrev from the Kharkov laboratory first noticed that the crest grew blurred and was shrouded in a reddish glow. Two hours later a bright white light emanated from it. It seemed to him that there had been an emission of gas that lasted from a half-hour to two and a half hours. After numerous further observations, N.A. Kozyrev came to the conclusion that from time to time, there were emissions of gas in large quantities from cracks or lunar craters. There was no way for him to find out about the nature and the origin of these gases .

American astronomer Dinsmore Alter attributed the « veil » that screened the bottom of Alphonsus crater – which he observed in 1956 – to a discharge of gas emenating from little black spots spread out along certain fissures. Would this gas release be destined to produce a temporary atmosphere ? The same phenomenon was also observed in Linné crater. It appears in this report that one might legitimately posit the hypothesis that this « so-called temporary atmosphere » could derive from some intelligent activity.

In 1961, Soviet astronomer Alexander N. Deutsch suggested that, because of a constant temperature underneath the Moon’s crust, there could be reserves of gas likely to facilitate the emergence of life both animal and vegetal.

In addition to these light related phenomena, a countless number of scientists among the most famous have obeserved a temporary presence of clouds and dust in suspension. The lights and flashes have often been ascribed to volcanos but the Moon shows no visible volcanic activity. Besides, in the scientific report of the Apollo 17 mission, Nasa clearly ruled out that possibility and declared that the Moon is totally inactive as far as volcanism. This means that according to science , these phenomena « just cannot exist » which actually accounts for the fact that all related works and reports have not been published and remain secret.

And yet, these inumerable observations done repeatedly by different astronomers are compelling evidence of a mysterious presence of intelligent beings on the Moon and Science will not officially recognize it. It’s a reality that should be explained and made known.

« Somebody else is on the Moon »

This information is from a book published in 1977 by George Leonard. The latter was one of NASA employees whose jobs were to analyse the pictures taken by American lunar probes. This job gave Leonard the opportunity to realize that NASA knew there was an intelligent activity on the Moon but they did everything they could not to make it public knowledge. So he published a book known as « Somebody Else Is On The Moon » in 1977 in the US in order to share what he knew on the subject. The book was then translated into French under « Ils n’étaient pas seuls sur la Lune  – le dossier secret de la NASA »

But the American version of the book as well as the French version were soon withdrawn from the market and banned ! That’s why the book is virtually unknown. However, in 2016 the said book was published again in France thanks to another publisher but still could not be distributed for sale in bookstores. The book is now available again in the US. The people in charge of censorship probably considered that forty years after the writing of the book, its impact on the public would be of a lesser degree. But the content of the book is still relevant and as much explosive as it was forty years ago .

What we just went though is a summary of what George Leonard reported in part two of his book further to his bibliographic research about luminous observations.

The french book is available for sale on this website ;